
Counsellor VS Therapist: How They Differ?

Counseling Treatments

The American Mental Health Counselors Association describes the approach of counselors to mental health as holistic. That is, they focus on your total well-being as a person. Licensed clinical mental health counselors also follow a strength-based approach. They recommend treatments based on your special abilities and strength.

The American Counseling Association describes counseling as a goal-focused process. That is, it is a process that helps work on your education or career milestones, overall wellness, and mental health.

You can get a counselor to help you treat the following issues:

  • Trauma
  • Marital or relationship issues
  • Struggles with anger or low self-esteem [1]
  • Loss or grief
  • Anxiety
  • Alcohol or substance use
  • Multiple issues, like substance use and PTSD
  • Depression
  • Individual, couples, family, and group therapy

In most cases, counselors focus on everyday problems that affect your total well-being and mental health. They evaluate your mental health and recommend steps that will help you feel better.

In some cases, counseling procedures may not study how problems from trauma, past experiences, or previous relationships affect our present mental health state. However, some counselors may decide to use a different framework. If you want to work with a counselor, it is important to understand and be comfortable with their approach. This will help you know what to expect and how to know if it is right for you.