
EMF Exposure – What You Need to Know

Effects on Human Health

According to experts, these radiations may and may not have significant effects on the biological system of the human body.


This type of radiation as earlier stated breaks the chemical bond in the body and therefore, it is harmful. It can change the chemical and molecular structures of humans. This effect mostly occurs when exposed to high-level radiation over a long period. The effects sometimes show immediately and it takes a long time for some other types to show. The types of immediate damages are:

  • Bone marrow damage
  • Damage to the skin
  • Burns
  • Loss of hairs
  • Developing fetus damage
  • Damage to tissues and organs.

The damages that occur after a long period include:

  • Cancer [2]
  • Complications in fertility
  • Oxidative damage

The risk of this damage by reducing the exposure of the body by making use of lead shields for proper protection.


There are normally no negative harmful effects of this radiation because it easily passes through the body without any chemical bond breaking and therefore no effects. Non-ionizing radiation creates heat like microwaves and in certain conditions, it may be harmful to the tissues in the body. Some areas of the body are susceptible to damage because they have a low blood supply and they cannot regulate temperature. Such organs include the tongue and Eyes. This effect mostly occurs when exposed to high levels of this radiation for a long period.

Lastly, another important effect of EMF exposure is called acute radiation syndrome [3]. This occurs due to exposure to high levels of radiation for a short period. It often penetrates the internal organs of the body.