Testosterone is the hormone responsible for enhancing sex drive in men and women. It also boosts sperm production in men. The hormone helps strengthen bones and muscles. According to research, several cardiovascular conditions can be caused by low testosterone. Studies also show that an increase in testosterone levels can lead to a decrease in cholesterol levels. Some health conditions respond better and faster to testosterone therapy than other treatment methods. However, the medicine can result in several side effects such as sleep problems [1], metabolic disease, prostate cancer [2], cardiovascular conditions, and lower urinary tract conditions. There are many controversies around the relationship between testosterone therapy and cholesterol levels. More research needs to be done to understand the effects of testosterone therapy on cholesterol levels.
Uses of testosterone therapy
Doctors recommend testosterone therapy to treat two medical conditions. The first is hypogonadism [3]. People with this condition cannot produce sufficient testosterone. So, their body will lose its ability to perform various functions such as growth and regulation of male physical characteristics. The second condition is testosterone deficiency. Men older than 30 may experience a reduction in testosterone levels. It is important to note that the decrease occurs gradually. The decline in testosterone levels may lead to reduced sex drive and muscle mass.