
What Is the Link Between STDs and HIV

STDs Increases Your Risk of Getting HIV

If you have an STD it becomes easy for you to contract HIV. STD can change the cells in your vagina, penis, rectum, or mouth. These changed cells can result in visible open sores and ulcers. Although cells can also change without any sign or symptom.

These cells create openings and make it easier for HIV to enter the body. So, if you have STD and have any type of unprotected sexual encounter with someone that has HIV, you are more likely to contract HIV from the encounter. People who have both STD and HIV are more likely to spread HIV to partners. This is because there is an increased amount of the HIV virus in the semen or vaginal fluid.

Some STDs are more connected to HIV than others. A 2010 study found that 42 percent of people with infected syphilis also have HIV. Gonorrhea and herpes are also strongly linked to HIV. It is possible to have STD and HIV and not know. This is because many STDs don’t show symptoms and one could have HIV for years before symptoms start to show.

It is best for you and your sexual partner to get regular testing for STDs and HIV. Otherwise ensure safe sex practices.