
Xenophobia – an Overview

What Impact Has Xenophobia Made

Xenophobia does not just affect individuals, it affects entire societies, economics, politics, including cultural attitudes, and history. Examples of xenophobia in the United States include acts of discrimination and violence against Mexican, Latinx, and Middle Eastern immigrants.

Xenophobia has impacted a lot of activities all over the world. It has been linked to:

  • Decreased social and economic opportunity for outgroups
  • Hostility towards people of different background
  • Discrimination
  • Hate crimes
  • Political positions
  • Implicit bias towards members of outgroups
  • War and genocide
  • Controversial domestic and foreign policies
  • Isolationism

Xenophobic does not have to lead to these acts. Not everyone that is xenophobic starts war or commit hate crimes. But even veiled xenophobia can have negative effect on both individuals and society. Xenophobia is a bad trait that can make it difficult for certain groups to live within a society. It will also affect several aspects of their life, including employment opportunities, access to housing, and access to health care.

Xenophobia in some parts of the world has grown to become a huge issue that has resulted to numerous wars, prosecution, hate crimes, and general mistrust. Xenophobia doesn’t only affect those who hold the attitude, it also has a great potential to cause damage to others. Experts are still working on ways in which these effects can be controlled.