
Iron Deficiency (Low Iron) Signs & Symptoms


Iron deficiency is a condition that occurs when the body does not get a sufficient supply of iron. The body requires iron to function properly. Red blood cells in your body depend on iron to make hemoglobin, the compound that enables the blood to carry oxygen around the body.

A deficiency in iron means your muscles and tissues will not be able to get enough oxygen to work efficiently. Low iron in the blood results in a condition known as iron deficiency anemia which children and pregnant women [1] are especially at risk of.

Iron deficiency is caused by a shortage of iron in one’s regular diet, loss of blood during periods or through injury, inflammatory bowel disease, or increased iron demand during pregnancy.

Iron is an essential nutrient in the body and a shortage of supply in the body results in a range of symptoms that can affect normal activity. The degree to which these symptoms play out is influenced by age, the level of deficiency, and your health.

Here are the most common symptoms that accompany low iron levels: