
ACL Reconstruction Surgery: Procedure And Recovery


Before you undergo surgery, your doctor will prepare you for the surgery by placing an intravenous (IV) line [6] in your arm and giving you a hospital gown to change into. The IV line will serve as a route for the administration of drugs, sedatives, or medications.

After the sample tissue has been selected, it is either prepared from a cadaver or surgically removed from your body. Your doctor then outfits the tendon with “bone plugs,” or anchor points, to graft the tendon into the knee.

A small cut is made in front of your knee during surgery for an arthroscope, a thin tube placed into the incision with a fiber optic camera and surgical tools. This will allow your surgeon to view inside your knee during the procedure.

The first step during the procedure is usually to remove your torn ACL and clean the area. Your doctor will then make small holes in your femur and tibia so the bone plugs can be attached using washers, staples, screws, or posts.

After attaching the new ligament, your surgeon will test your knee’s range of motion and tension to ensure the graft is safely placed. Finally, the opening will be stitched, the wound will be cleaned and dressed, and your knee will be stabilized using a brace. The length of the surgery usually depends on the experience of the surgeon, and if additional procedures are performed, such as meniscal repair. [7]

You can go home the day of your surgery after your doctor discharges you. However, it is important to follow all post-operative instructions.