
HPV vs. HPV Tests: Everything You Need To Know

What is HPV?

According to research, human papilloma virus (HPV) is the most popular sexually transmitted infection (STI), with over 43 million infections per year. More than 100 types of HPV have been recorded. They are not usually accompanied by any health issues or significant symptoms. However, some types may lead to severe health complications. HPV is clinics categorized into high risk and low risk.

Low risk HPV is less likely to result in cervical cancer. They are also referred to as wart-causing HPV, because it is one of the most prominent symptoms. While they can be treated, in most cases, the symptoms leave on their own without any medical intervention.

The symptoms of Low risk HPV symptoms are:

  • Bleeding
  • Warts on the genitals [1] or anus
  • Irritation
  • Itching
  • Pain

High risk HPV may lead to the development of abnormal cells on the cervix. If the condition is not treated, it can lead to cervical cancer. Cervical cancer [2] can be caused by 13 types of HPV. Some types can also cause vagina, throat, anus, vulva, and penis cancer. People who have the virus in their system for a long time are more susceptible to cervical cancer.

No symptoms may occur in the early stages of high risk HPV. However, certain symptoms start to manifest if the virus causes cervical cancer. These symptoms include:

  • Pain during sex
  • Weight loss [3]
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Urinary issues, such as blood in the urine [4]
  • Pelvic pain [5]
  • Abnormal bleeding [6]