
10 Tips to Manage ADHD Procrastination

Use prioritization methods

Do you have so many projects to complete? Is the time frame for a job not enough? One of the best ways to manage procrastination is by setting a priority list. This list will contain all the tasks you have to do in order of relevance. This will help you do the tasks that are more important first and complete the less important ones later. Let’s take a look at some effective prioritization techniques.

ABCDE Method

The ABCDE prioritization technique was created. Y the popular motivational public speaker and author Brian Tracy. This technique involves identifying jobs with the same priority using the first five letters of the alphabet. How to use it:

  • Create a to-do list and give every task a letter from A to E. The letter should be according to its importance. A being the most important and E the least important.
  • After assigning each task a letter, identify them with a number to define the order in which you’ll finish them. That is, task B1 will come before task B2.
  • Do this process again until all the tasks are in the right order.