
Signs and Symptoms of Appendicitis

Muscle Tension

If you feel that the muscles in the lower right abdomen are very tense, this is a wake-up call. Doctors call it “muscle protection.” The tension can have different strengths when peritonitis has already developed.

Shchetkin-Blumberg Syndrome

This is also one of the main symptoms, which is named after the scientists who discovered it. The principle is as follows: if you slowly press on the stomach where it hurts, and then abruptly remove your hand, severe pain occurs, more potent than the one that experienced when you pushed with your fingers. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. [4]

Loss of Appetite

Often times, with the presence of appendicitis, the patient may feel the need not to eat. This can sometimes be due to accompanying nausea, and this further increase the loss of appetite. [5]