
How to Identity Asthma – Signs and Symptoms


Asthma is a medical condition in which the airways of your lungs become inflamed causing them to narrow. In the process of inflammation, the airways produce excess mucus that could lead to wheezing, chest tightening, coughing, and loss of breath.

Depending on the individual, Asthma symptoms may be mild or something that occurs once in a while. For some others, the symptoms may be severe and it causes a decrease in the quality of life.

Asthma is presumed to be a result of genetic and environmental Constraints. The genetic factors can be explained by some prevalent epigenetic changes. This represents changes in the expression of a gene that does not alter the genetic code.

Environmental constraints causing Asthma could be in form of dust mites, organic compounds like formaldehyde,  animal dander, etc.

The symptoms of Asthma can be managed but there is no way of treating it. Medications such as corticosteroids, anti leukotriene agents, and long-acting beta-agonists can be used to reduce symptoms. People with this condition should also prevent close presence to triggers to prevent symptoms.

The symptoms of Asthma can progress over time. It is therefore pertinent that you work with your physician to monitor and manage the symptoms as they progress. It is common to see the symptoms of Asthma worse at night, when exercising, in the young hours of the morning, or in cold.

Some people come down with symptoms very easily while some people are not easily triggered. Also, people present with symptoms of varying intensities. While some could have only one symptom, some others could have all the symptoms of Asthma. They include: