
10 Most Common Bladder Infection Symptoms

Urinary Incontinence

Maybe in association with urinary urgency. It refers to the loss of ability to hold in urine at will. There is an involuntary release of urine and this can create an embarrassing situation in public places. Every normal person has a natural ability to hold in urine for a while until they find a comfortable place and time to urinate but in people with bladder infections, this ability may be lost.


Refers to the hesitant passing of urine. This may be due to a response to the pain felt during urination.


Pain is a common symptom of bladder infection. It is usually felt in the lower abdomen in the pelvic area and also around the pubic bone and is referred to as bladder pain. The pain is a result of inflammation of the bladder and it can be handled with pain relief medications and heat pads while waiting for the antibiotics used for treatment to take effect.