
10 Common Symptoms of Low Hematocrit Level

Why Is It Important to Test Hematocrit Levels?

Depletion in the volume of red blood cells or disruption of its production cycle can occur due to many medical conditions. For this reason, it is usually difficult for a doctor to diagnose these conditions. In most cases, doctors usually use a hematocrit test to confirm if your red blood cell count is affecting your health.

Doctors usually test hematocrit levels as part of a complete blood count (CBC). A CBC consists of different tests that help check your vascular health. They include:

  • An analysis of red blood cells, including size and shape
  • Platelet tests
  • Red blood cell count
  • An analysis of hemoglobin levels
  • Reticulocyte count (young red blood cells)
  • White blood cell tests

Your doctor will also consider your age, race, and sex before making a diagnosis. While it is usually difficult to diagnose a condition that occurs due to low hematocrit level, there are various symptoms that usually occur when you have low red blood cell levels.

Here are 10 common symptoms of low hematocrit levels.