The spinal column is made up of a set of bones [1] (vertebrae) placed on top of each other. Starting from the top, down to the bottom, the column comprises 12 bones in the thoracic spine, 7 bones in the cervical spine and 5 in the lumbar lumbar spine. At the bottom, there is the coccyx and sacrum. These bones are held and protected by discs. The bones are protected by the discs due to the ability of the discs to absorb and control the shocks from the daily activities like lifting, walking, jumping and twisting.
Per disc, there are two parts; a hard and tough outer ring and a gelatinous and soft inner part. When an injury, accident or any form of weakness occurs, the inner part of the disc may then protrude out of the outer ring. This is called a herniated, prolapsed or slipped disc. This can cause discomfort and pain. If by chance, the herniated disc puts pressure on one of your spinal nerves, you feel some pain and numbness along the compressed nerve. In severe situations, you may need a surgery to repair or remove the herniated disc.
Numbness or tingling
Those with a slipped disc often have intense tingling or numbness in the body part affected. This feeling may go on for a couple of minutes or longer, its intensity may also vary.