
Enthesopathy – Symptoms, Treatments & More

Hip Enthesopathy

Conditions that affect the spine, such as spondyloarthritis, can have an effect on the hips. They can cause general pain in your lower back. You may feel less able to move your spine, as spondyloarthritis can cause your vertebrae to fuse together.

Enthesopathy of the hip can sometimes be linked to bowel conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease, or to an hereditary gene.

Knee Enthesopathy

Knee enthesopathy is usually caused by overstressing your knee. This type of enthesopathy often results from conditions, such as patellar tendonitis. Patellar tendonitis [4] is also called runner’s knee.

The pain with this condition worsens when you are exercising and putting stress on your knees. You may also feel pain when performing certain daily tasks, such as standing up from a sitting position or climbing the stairs.