
Signs And Symptoms of Head Lice

What Is Head lice?

Head lice are small, wingless ectoparasites that feed on human blood. These tiny insects live in human hair and get their meal from the scalp and surrounding areas. Infestations are highly contagious and mostly affect children, although people of any age can be affected.

The primary mode of transmission is head-to-head contact [1]. Less frequently, people get head lice indirectly from sharing personal items with someone who has an infestation. Head coverings, hairbrushes, combs, headphones, pillows, and furniture are some of the mediums through which transmission can take place.

Head lice cause uncomfortable symptoms but they do not carry any type of infectious disease. Contrary to what some people believe, having head lice is not a sign of poor personal hygiene. You can get head lice even if you shower every day and pay extra attention to grooming.

Many people with head lice are late to find out they have an infestation. This article discusses signs to look out for if you suspect you have head lice.