
Will Walking on a Torn Meniscus Make It Worse?

Can You Walk on a Torn Meniscus?

In some cases, doctors advise patients to walk, because it enhances lubrication of the knee joint with synovial fluid [5] which plays an important role in decreasing friction between the articular surfaces (tibia, femur and patella) of the knee joint.

Studies have shown that cartilages usually consist of 75 percent fluid which helps to lubricate joint surfaces and support the weight of the body.

People with torn meniscus experience leaking of the synovial fluid in the knee joint after standing or sitting for a long time. Loss of synovial fluid leads to loss of lubrication. This can cause decrease in the strength and stability of the cartilage, making the meniscus more susceptible to degenerative tears and traumatic tears.

Over the years, scientists have discovered that continuous movement of the knee joint can stop the deflation of the cartilage. They also discovered that interstitial pressure from walking or exercising can enhance the absorption of synovial fluid that leaked when there was no movement.

Therefore, walking does not worsen a torn meniscus, rather, having an active lifestyle helps to maintain Lubrication of the joint.