
Will Walking on a Torn Meniscus Make It Worse?

 Causes and Symptoms of a Torn Meniscus

Tearing of the meniscus is common in sports that involve sudden or excessive turning. Older people have a higher risk of developing a torn meniscus, because degeneration tear occurs due to progressing wear in the knee joint as we age. A torn meniscus is popular in people older than 35 years. Younger people are at lower risk because they have stronger and rubbery meniscus.

One of the main manifestations of a torn meniscus is a swollen and painful knee. The major symptoms of a torn meniscus are;

  • Feeling pains in the knee. Mostly on the sides of the joint.
  • Swelling and stiffness of the affected knee joint.
  • Inability to straighten or bend the knee, because fragments of the torn meniscus may move into the joint space.
  • The knee becomes stuck (locking of the knee can only occur within a certain range).
  • Affected knee stays swollen for over 12 hours.
  • Severe pain is felt when you try to move the knee but no pain is felt when there is no load or attempt to move the joint.