Dementia is not exactly a disease but a general term used for loss of memory, language, problem-solving, and other thinking abilities that are important enough to hinder everyday activities. Dementia is just a single disease; it is a general term that covers a wide range of particular medical conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. [1]
Dementia can also be classified as a group of conditions characterized by impairment of not less than two brain functions; the loss of memory and judgment. It can also be due to injury or loss of brain cells.
Dementia is often one of the most misunderstood conditions in medicine today. Many believe it is unavoidable due to aging and don’t bother to seek evaluation for family members who show signs of memory loss. While others believe any evidence of forgetfulness is evidence of dementia. Neither of these assumptions is correct. There are various types of dementia; examples include; Lewy body dementia [2], vascular dementia [3], frontotemporal dementia [4], and mixed dementia [5].
Some of the risk factors of dementia are; Age, Family background/history, heavy alcohol use, smoking [6], hardening of the arteries [7], diabetes [8], high cholesterol [9], etc.
The treatment for dementia is primarily the supportiveness of the guardians because prescription medication can’t reverse or stop the process. Although there are medications to help improve the symptoms, the effect of such is limited. Some of the treatment for dementia by the use of medicines includes: