
Throat Cancer Signs And Symptoms

Sore Throat

Constant discomfort or pain in the throat that doesn’t stop with time or general sore throat, is one of the symptoms of throat cancer. Sore throat is a scratchy, dry or painful feeling in the throat. The throat may also feel raw, tender, irritated and burning. It may also cause some difficulty when talking or swallowing. The tonsils or throat may be reddish. Some features of sore throat include runny nose, appetite loss, hoarse voice, trouble swallowing and cough.

Weight Loss

Weight loss is one of the most common signs of cancer, including throat cancer. Due to the effects of throat cancer on the throat, and the inability to swallow, intake of food can get painful and difficult, resulting in lack of appetite and subsequent weight loss. If you lose over 5% of your weight within 6 months to a year, you should see a doctor. [7] Therefore, if you experience weight loss that isn’t due to exercise, dieting, or an eating disorder such as anorexia, then it may be a sign of throat cancer and you need to see a doctor.