
Throat Cancer Signs And Symptoms

Ear Pain

Ear pain may be regular or intermittent, the pain may also be dull, burning or sharp. It may affect one ear or both ears, depending on the severity of the condition. Ear pain may be accompanied by fever and even temporary loss of hearing. Children, especially babies who can’t talk yet, with ear pain tend to be irritable and fussy. They may also rub or tug at the painful ear. There might also be a loss of balance, headaches, sense of fullness in the ear and difficulty sleeping.

Persistent Cough

Coughing may seem like a normal regular bodily function, but when it goes on for an extended period of time, it may be a problem. When a cough lasts for over 8 weeks in an adult and 4 weeks in children, then it is now a chronic cough which might be a symptom of throat cancer. Persistent cough may also be accompanied with chest pain and shortness of breath.