
Common Signs of Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammation of the intestine characterized by the presence of several ulcers in the intestinal wall that causes a lot of discomforts. Ulcers may appear along the intestine, in isolated parts, or at the end. In addition to the presence of ulcers, there may be diarrhea with mucus and blood, abdominal pain, and fever.

The cause of ulcerative colitis is still unclear, but it is possible that it happens due to genetic factors, often related to the immune system, and infections by viruses or bacteria. Learn more about ulcerative colitis.

When ulcerative colitis is quickly identified, the gastroenterologist is able to quickly treat and eliminate the cause and wounds. However, with the progression of inflammation, the lesions are irreversible. In addition, people who have untreated ulcerative colitis are more likely to have colorectal cancer.

Some common signs that follow the development of ulcerative colitis ate listed below;

Skin Sores and Fatigue

Ulcerative colitis can give rise to canker sores in the mouth and also skin sores. Some people may develop skin rashes too. Skin issues may start to appear before or after a diagnosis of colitis. When you have a flare, they’re possibly going to get worse and ease once you have your colitis under control. The same inflammation and immune issues that cause your flares are related to some other skin problems.

Ulcerative colitis causes [1] a number of problems that can make one feel extremely fatigued and tired. The reasons for the general fatigue felt by people with colitis are explained below.

    • Colitis is usually associated with nausea and loss of appetite, and this keeps you from eating enough food to sustain your body. This leaves the body low on fuel, and this can cause exhaustion after residual fuels in the body have been used.
    • Diarrhea and inflammation in your colon make it difficult for your body to absorb the energy it needs. Without proper absorption [2] of necessary nutrients the body needs, the body becomes deficient in important nutrients and fuel, and this contributes to fatigue.
    • The ulcer effect on the lining of the colon and associated bleedi9ng allows you to lose red blood cells, and this can essentially lead to low blood cell count, which causes anemia [3].
    • Diarrhea can cause you to be dehydrated.