
Common Signs of Ulcerative Colitis

Increased Flatulence and Abdominal Pain

Often, colitis will lead you to feel bloated and gassy. Firstly, patients with ulcerative colitis tend to produce more hydrogen sulfide [4] than average and have a harder time breaking down the gas (probably because they already have an inflammation of the lining of their abdominal wall). The additional gas present will damage the colon’s lining further.

Abdominal pain is pain occurring between the chest and pelvic areas. Abdominal pain may feel like a cramp, be dull, achy, intermittent, or severe. But mostly, abdominal pain [5] from colitis usually feel crampy. Generally, inflammation or disease that affects the abdominal organs usually leads to severe or acute abdominal pain, and one example of such inflammation is colitis. Abdominal pain may last between 1 to 3 weeks in the case of colitis. Therefore, long-lasting pain may suggest the presence of colitis. Colitis Pain usually Occur before a bowel movement or while you are moving. Other body parts and regions of the body may also hurt. It is not uncommon for people with colitis to have joint pain.