
Crohn’s Disease: How Do I Get To Remission?

How Do You Know You Are in Remission

The most common way of knowing is through Crohn’s disease activity index (CDAI). It observes 18 symptoms including diarrhea [4] and pain. However, this test can be inaccurate. Even after the symptoms have left, it is possible to still experience inflammation that can lead to flares.

These are new methods used to know if a patient is in remission:

  1. Scopes and scans: A colonoscopy, endoscopy, MRI or CT scan are used to observe the inside of the digestive tract for any damage that has healed.
  2. Blood tests: Blood samples are taken to check if the disease is in the active state and inflammation.

How Long Does Remission Last

Crohn’s disease affects several areas of the digestive tract and is normally active when diagnosed. Generally, people in remission, have odds of relapse at the following milestones:

  • 1 year-20 percent
  • 2 years- 40 percent
  • 5 years- 67 percent
  • 10 years- 76 percent