
What Are The Dehydration Symptoms?

Other Symptoms

  • Bad Breath

Without sufficient hydration in the body, the ideal amount of saliva is not produced to prevent the proliferation of bacteria in the mouth. In this way, dehydration ends up causing bad breath in the person. [11] So, if you have this problem, it may be a sign that you are in urgent need of water!

  • Cystitis

Since there is not enough water to generate the proper amount of urine, the toxins in the kidney are not diluted and the bladder mucosa is attacked. Thus, the individual ends up suffering from cystitis, which is nothing more than inflammation in the urinary tract.

  • Asthma and Allergies

Respiratory problems are key symptoms of chronic dehydration. The rate of histamine produced by the body increases exponentially as the body loses more water. According to research,  chronic dehydration is one of the main cause of allergies and asthma in the human body.  Drinking water is the most important natural remedy for asthma. [12]

In more sensitive people, such as children and the elderly, delirium periods may occur, as well as fainting.

In these cases, treatment usually needs to be done at the hospital with the administration of serum directly into the vein and should be started as soon as possible to avoid serious complications.












