
10 Symptoms of Diverticulitis

Bleeding from the Rectum

Bleeding from the rectum may be a significant sign of diverticulitis. Generally, rectal bleeding has many causes. However, it’s usually due to a weaker or abnormal area along the digestive tract. Hemorrhoid is a significant example of a major cause of rectal bleeding.

If an individual notices red blood on toilet tissue or red-tinged stool in the toilet bowl, it’s an apparent rectal bleeding sign. Please consult a licensed health professional if you notice any blood color from that region because it could indicate several things.

Bright red blood signifies bleeding in a region around the lower gastrointestinal tract like the rectum or colon. The dark red or wine-colored blood could also signify bleeding in the small intestine or early part of the colon. Lastly, a black stool could mean bleeding from the stomach or the upper region of the small intestine.

Aside from the color of the blood, other significant symptoms are associated with rectal bleeding. These symptoms include fainting, dizzy feeling, rectal pain, confusion, and abdominal pain or cramping.