
Food Tips for People with Diverticulitis

Intestinal diverticulosis[1] is a fairly common diagnosis. This disease occurs in people of different ages, and the risk of its development increases over the years. The incidence of diverticulosis among people under 40 is no more than 10%, and in patients over 60 years old – at about 50-60%[2]. With such a disease, small protrusions of the walls appear in the intestines and are very similar to sacs in appearance. Most often, such neoplasms are localized in the sigmoid colon. At the very beginning of their appearance, diverticula do not cause any discomfort to the patient and are mostly asymptomatic. It can be accidentally discovered during diagnostic procedures such as colonoscopy. If a patient with diverticula is not treated and does not adhere to a diet, he or she may experience various unpleasant complications, including diverticulitis. Correct treatment will help to cope with such a disease.

Why Diet?

A competent diet for sigmoid diverticulitis is an important condition for recovery and prevention of complications. During an acute inflammatory process, proper nutrition helps to suppress inflammation as soon as possible. Therapeutic nutrition has a gentle effect on the intestines, prevents constipation and tension in the intestinal walls. After suppressing inflammation, the diet helps to restore the normal state of the sigmoid colon, avoiding relapses.

The dietary regimen for patients with diverticulosis and diverticulitis is selected by a dietitian. The diet must be adhered to strictly.