
Home Remedies for Ear Infections and Earaches

Cold Compress or Heating Pad

Applying a cold compress to the ear can help relieve earache from an infection. Stuff a hand towel with ice or use a washcloth then hold it against your ear for about 20 minutes. Always wrap the ice in a cloth or some other material. Never apply it directly to the skin, especially for children. Not everyone feels comfortable pressing a cold pack to their ears. In these cases, applying heat may be better. Some people prefer to alternate between hot and cold compresses.

Lying down with the infected ear on an electric heating pad can help alleviate the pain. The heat can also reduce inflammation caused by the infection. The heating pad should be warm not hot. Hold the heating pad to your ear for about 20 minutes. This remedy is more effective when the pad is held in such a way that it makes contact with the throat. Even though the pad is not scalding hot, falling asleep with your ears pressed to it is not a good idea. If a child is the one using the heating pad, they should be supervised by an adult.