
Recognizing Symptoms of a Gallbladder Attack


Bile juice’s main function is to help the body digest fats. In normal functioning, the gallbladder contracts when digestion begins and, especially when fatty foods are present.

If bile does not find food, fat will not be digested, which is often a cause of diarrhea. In this case, there is an increase in the number of bowel movements, and the stools become soft or watery, being quite bulky. In addition, it is possible to see drops of fat in the toilet water after defecation.

As mentioned, bilirubin is naturally excreted by the intestine. This pigment gives feces the usual brown or dark brown color. However, as it will not reach the intestine, the fecal content becomes whitish or pale. The digestive process of fats is incomplete, which causes an increase in gas production and intestinal discomfort.