
Recognizing Symptoms of a Gallbladder Attack

Dark Urine

If bile pigment forms in the gallbladder and the bilirubin accumulated in the tissues will not be excreted by the intestine. In this way, the body creates a compensatory mechanism and, often, the excess of this substance will be eliminated by the urine, it can cause urine to turn a dark brown or bright yellow color. Thus, it is common for people with gall bladder to urinate a dark-colored liquid. This is because bilirubin is a natural dye, tinting urine brown.

Ideally, healthy urine should be light yellow. Dark urine is darker than urine that is usually straw to yellow. And it can be of different colors, but it is usually brown, dark yellow, or maroon. The cause of dark urine has many factors, but if you find that the change in the color of the urine not because of eating certain foods or taking certain medications, it is recommended to see a doctor. [4]