
Home Remedies & Natural Treatments for Gouty Arthritis(Gout)

Nettle Tea

Stinging nettle proves to be a reliable home remedy that helps against gout by reducing pain and inflammation. Several studies show the frequent use of nettle tea for treatment. However, there hasn’t been appropriate research that proves its functionality. A study shows that it protected kidneys, but male rabbits were the subjects. Besides, kidney injury was induced by antibiotics and gentamicin.



Generally, cherries are known to contain an adequate level of vitamins, fiber, and minerals. Due to its composition, the fruit has some antioxidant properties. A 2016 survey shows that cherries in extract form, like juices or raw, are excellent home remedies for many medical conditions. [2]

Please note that it includes sweet, black, red, and sour types of cherries. Additionally, a 2012 study shows that cherries may help treat gout. According to the research, individuals should consume three servings of any cherry form over 48 hours. The research shows that it was useful when that process was followed. [3]