
6 Common Symptoms of Tachycardia

Chest Pressure or Pain

Chest pain [4] can be caused by a lot of things. Some chest pains have nothing to do with the heart and may be caused by gastrointestinal problems. Others are indicative of serious heart problems. Unless you’ve received a diagnosis before, chest pain is not something to ignore.

You may feel a sharp, dull, or stabbing pain in your chest if you have tachycardia. You may also feel increased pressure or a tight, squeezing sensation in your chest. The precise kind of pain or discomfort you feel often depends on the underlying cause of the tachycardia.

Chest pain caused by tachycardia isn’t always a sign of life-threatening underlying heart problems, but sometimes it is. You can’t know by simply observing how you feel. See a doctor for a proper evaluation to rule out or manage potential complications.