
Bradycardia – Symptoms and Causes

Jaw pain

Jaw pain is a condition that could affect your ability to eat and speak. Jaw pain may not necessarily be because of a jaw issue. It could be a result of a heart attack. Heart attack is a complex health condition that could cause pain in other parts of the body, including the jaw and heart attack, which could result from bradycardia.

Pale skin

Paleness can also be a symptom of bradycardia; it is when there is an unusual lightness of the skin compared to the standard skin color. Another name for paleness is whiteness, and it is caused by reduced blood flow and oxygen. And reduced blood flow and oxygen could imply bradycardia.

Other symptoms of bradycardia include dizziness, weakness, passing out, severe headache, arm pain, blindness, cyanosis [1], and feeling short of breath. Bradycardia should not be taken lightly, and if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should immediately see your doctor.