
Early Signs of Liver Cirrhosis


Itching [4] is a common symptom in cirrhosis. Pruritus tends to show diurnal variation and is worse at night. It affects the extremities more (although it can be in any part of the body). Some itch has no sure cause, and continual pruritus can lead to physical complications (for example, abrasions, with no rash) and psychological complications (for example, anxiety, insomnia, depression).

Itching caused by liver disease can be treated; while with no clear cause, the treatment may need a combination therapy. Keeping your fingernails short is important to prevent your skin from scratching. Once feel itching, it’s vital to avoid scratch which may worsen the condition.

Some medications, such as cholestyramine, rifampicin, naltrexone, and sertraline can help relieve pruritus. The phototherapy (light therapy) is a promote-healing method which through the skin exposure to adequate light.

Home remedies such as using warm or cool water for baths, or a humidifier in the winter dry days are effective. Mild soaps without added fragrances to clear the itching part can also diminish this condition.