
The Signs and Symptoms of Liver Disease

Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and upset stomachs are very common signs and symptoms of liver disease at an early stage, but as the ability to eliminate toxins decreases, the adverse effect on the digestive system also increases. Nausea is a reaction to excess waste products in the body, and vomiting is always linked to liver problems, especially when vomiting happens immediately after eating or drinking.

Nausea and vomiting are attributed to the toxic overload on the organ which triggers indigestion.

Dark Urine

Normal urine is clear and has a straw-yellow color; however, the color of the urine can vary when foods of certain types are consumed. Sometimes the certain types of medication taken can affect the color of urine. Dark urine may indicate liver disease due to the presence of bile in the urine, the color is a result of pigmentation caused by bile build-up because the organ fails to break it down.