
Treatments for Hepatitis C

Liver Transplant

In some cases of chronic hepatitis C infection, liver transplantation may be an option. Liver transplantation is a surgery where the surgeon replaces the damaged liver with a healthy one. Livers used for transplantations usually come from dead donors. In a lot of cases, a liver transplant doesn’t just cure hepatitis C infection alone. The infection may return and would require antiviral drugs to stop more damage to the transplanted liver.

However, a liver transplant would improve the quality of the receptor’s life and also increase their life expectancy.


There are no vaccines specifically used to cure hepatitis C infections. However, a doctor may recommend receiving the vaccines for Hepatitis A and D viruses. These viruses are different from Hepatitis C, but can also cause liver damage and worsen Hepatitis C.

Getting vaccinated can also serve as a preventative measure from Hepatitis A, B, and C viruses.