
Everything You Need To Know About Aspergillosis


Aspergillosis is caused by a combination of coming in contact with the aspergillus fungus and a compromised immune system. The following may carry the fungus:

  • Stored grain
  • Decaying vegetation
  • Marijuana leaves
  • Compost piles

Aspergillus mold cannot be avoided. It is found in decaying leaves and compost on trees, plants, and grain crops outside.

People with strong immune systems can be exposed regularly to aspergillus and not be affected. When mold spores are inhaled, immune cells are activated, surround them, and destroy them. However, people with a weakened immune system from sicknesses or immunosuppressant medication possess lesser infection-fighting cells

It is easier for aspergillosis to invade people with compromised immune systems by taking control of their lungs and in severe cases other parts of the body. Aspergillosis cannot be transferred from one person to another.