
Lymphoma Symptoms in Women


Fever [1] that persists or comes and goes is a common symptom of lymphoma. It may be mistaken for bacteria or viral infection. You must visit your doctor.

Enlarged lymph nodes

These are the most common symptoms of lymphoma. If you have swollen lymph nodes or lymph glands there is a high chance you have lymphoma. They usually appear in small structures, you can find them in your armpit (axillary), abdomen, groin (inguinal), chest, and neck (cervical).

If you have an infection, your lymph nodes start to get swollen and tender as they fight it. When the infection heals, your lymph nodes go back to their normal size. Lymphoma is slightly different, your lymph nodes will enlarge but will not be as tender or painful as it is would be if they were fighting just an infection.