
Lymphoma Symptoms in Women

Lymphoma is a type of cancer that affects your lymphatic system. Although there are some general symptoms of this condition that affects both men and women. If the condition spreads to the reproductive organ of a woman, she may experience different symptoms.

Your lymphatic system is an essential part of your immune system, it comprises the lymph gland, spleen, bone marrow, and thymus gland. This system helps distribute lymph fluid throughout the body that helps fight infections.

Lymphoma occurs when the cells in your lymphatic system become cancerous. The exact cause of this condition is still unknown. With lymphoma, your white blood cells (lymphocytes) are affected. This compromises your entire health since the white blood cells help your immune system fight bacteria and viruses that can make you ill.

If you have lymphoma, your lymph nodes which are tubes that track your lymph fluid and fight abnormal cells are first attacked. Although there are different types of lymphoma. The two main types include:

  • Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) or Hodgkin’s disease (HD): This type involves lymphocytes growing abnormally beyond your lymphatic system. It usually starts from the upper body.
  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL): This type involves a tumor growing from the lymphocytes in any part or organ of the body.

The major difference between these two types is that the large cells in the lymph fluids (Reed-Sternberg cells) are only present in HL.

In rare cases, NHL may develop tumors in the reproductive organs, usually in the cervix or ovaries. According to research, only 1.5 percent of NHL tumors begin in the reproductive organs.

General Symptoms of Lymphoma

These are symptoms that are common to both men and women, they include: