
Can Cycling Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

What to Do If You Have ED

ED usually isn’t permanent. ED and numbness of the penis caused by cycling can last for several weeks or months. The best and highly recommended solution is to cut back on bike rides or stop riding altogether. After a few months, the numbness should have gone.

If after several months, you are still having trouble achieving an erection, see your primary care doctor or urologist. It might be traced to some other underlying medical conditions like a nerve problem, heart disease, or the residual effect of surgery might be other potential causes of ED.

There are certain medications that can help with your condition. Your doctor might prescribe some medications to help with your ED depending on the cause of your problem. You might have seen some of these medications advertised on TV, they include:

  • Tadalafil (Cialis) [5]
  • Vardenafil (Levitra) [6]
  • Sildenafil (Viagra) [7]

These drugs help to increase blood flow in the penis to produce an erection. But you have to consider them carefully, they may have some side effects.

You shouldn’t use ED drugs if you take nitrates (nitroglycerin) for chest pain or if you have very low or high blood pressure, kidney disease, or liver disease. There are also other medications for ED, as well as non-drug options like penis pump and implants.