
Can Cycling Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

How to Reduce Your Risk of Ed from Cycling

Cycling still remains a very effective form of exercise despite this negative effect. There are ways in which you can ride for exercise and enjoyment without sacrificing your penis. There are a few modifications you can make to help reduce your risk of ED. Some of which includes:

  • A different choice of seat: You can change your seat from the usual narrow one to something wider and also one that has extra padding that supports your perineum. Also, to help reduce the pressure, you can choose a seat without a nose, one that is more of a rectangular shape.
  • Lower the handlebars: You should lean forward while riding which will lift your backside off the seat. This will also help relieve the pressure on your perineum.
  • Wear bike shorts that are padded: a padded bike short plus a padded bike seat, this will give you enough protection and reduce the pressure.
  • Reduce how long you cycle for: Cycle for fewer hours at a time. This is how you can be certain that no harm is done to your penis.
  • Take regular breaks during long rides: Decide to pause for a while when you ride. Coming down from the bike and taking a walk can help if you periodically stand on the pedals.
  • Choose a recumbent bike: If you are going to spend a lot of time on your bicycle, reclining is gentler for you.
  • Mix up your exercise routine: There are similar exercises to cycling that also do the same work on the body. Instead of cycling only, you can perform other aerobic exercises like jogging and swimming. Make cycling part of a well-rounded and balanced workout program.

If you observe any pain or numbness in the area between your scrotum and rectum, it is best that you take a break from riding.