
10 Distressing OCD Symptoms

Fear of infection

OCD patients may suffer an intense fear of contracting diseases, causing them to take strict precautionary measures. For example, they may begin to disinfect everywhere and everything they touch. This disorder interferes with everyday living and may cause problems with housemates or family members. It also wastes time and money because it reduces your time in a day to be productive.

OCD symptoms may also include obsessive and repetitive arrangements, thereby wasting time and energy.
They apply excess force to get rid of germs and may end up harming themselves in the process, like peeled skin due to harsh hygiene techniques. There is a difference between OCD and neat freak, as the latter is based on choice, interest, and usually productivity. Excessive
neatness [3] caused by OCD is born out of intense fear that failure to keep up will end in doom or a catastrophic incident.