
5 Major Types of Anxiety Disorders

What Is Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety occurs mostly as a result of stressful situations. Anxiety is a feeling of intense, persistent and excessive worry and fear about a situation. Anxiety is a biological reaction that is triggered by an intense feeling. It is something that can occur to anyone, and in most cases, it is nothing to worry about. But if your symptoms become persistent and excessive or interferes with your daily life, you may be diagnosed with anxiety disorder. In this case you will need to see your doctor.

Anxiety disorder is a very common case, it is the most common mental health condition in the United State according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America [1]. The World Health Organization as stated that at least one in thirteen people suffers from some sort of anxiety globally. It is an overwhelming feeling of anxiousness, which would appear excessive and persistent. With anxiety disorder the symptoms will be chronic and your daily life will be interrupted. There are many different types of anxiety disorders but majorly five types. The type of anxiety disorder one might be suffering from can only be determined by your doctor, after he must have carried out some test.

There are different approaches of treatment given to the different types of anxiety disorders. To learn more about the five major type of disorder continue reading.