
7 Important Facts about Dyslexia

General Symptoms of Dyslexia

The manifestations of dyslexia are very diverse and often depend on the age of the person suffering from this ailment. To make it easier to understand, the symptoms are divided into several subgroups. Let’s take a look at them.

The very first symptoms [2] of dyslexia (regardless of age, this category of symptoms is very important, because it indicates that the process of development of the deviation has started; if you notice five or more of these signs, we recommend not to delay with a consultation with a specialist):

    • Clumsy grip on a pen (or other writing tool)
    • Attention and concentration problems
    • Bad memory
    • Changes in letter order when composing words
    • Changes in alphabetic, syllabic, or numeric order when writing and reading
    • Refusal to read aloud and write essays
    • Difficulty learning the alphabet and multiplication tables
    • Difficulty in the simplest orientation (left-right, top-bottom, etc.)
    • Problems following basic instructions
    • Difficulty mastering spelling and reading principles