
Anxiety in College: What to Know and How to Cope

Make Your Environment Feel Comfortable or Keep Yourself Occupied

After a difficult day, being able to retire to a familiar and comfortable apartment or dorm might help you relax. According to Hafeez, the way you arrange your environment might improve your sleep and possibly lessen homesickness.

Here are some ideas for making a tranquil setting that feels like home:

  • Display photos and memorabilia that conjures up joyful memories of your house.
  • Separate your work area from your relaxation area.
  • To ensure a restful night’s sleep [5], make sure your bed is cozy.
  • Avoid clutter since, according to study, it makes people feel more stressed and anxious.
  • Put a mix of your favorite sweets and healthy snacks in your little fridge.

Unless having too much on your plate is the cause of your worry, staying active can lessen homesickness and facilitate meeting new people.

“When we’re sad or depressed, we could isolate as our first instinct. The worst thing to do is that, claims Hafeez. Engage in schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and evening events. You’ll have less homesickness and more relationships to make you feel at home the less free time you have.