
How Oral Thrush Is Treated?

Mycelex (Clotrimazole)

This medication is not recommended for children under age 3. This is a topical drug that is prescribed as a lozenge. The medicine is delivered as the lozenge slowly dissolves in the mouth over 20 to 30 minutes. It usually is taken five times a day.

Mycostatin (Nystatin)

Nystatin is a very effective treatment option for oral thrush and also very usable for children and infants. It is commonly prescribed as a lozenge or liquid mouthwash form. For newborns and infants, it is applied with a cotton swab or finger. The medication needs to be applied directly to the yeast. It is given up to four times per day for people in all age groups.

In liquid form, you swish and swallow the medication. For infants, you can use a sterile gauze pad to rub the medication onto the white patches that have active yeast. You can also ask your pharmacist to add a flavouring, so it can be more palatable.