
What Are The Treatments For Mumps?


Mumps may cause swelling that needs to be confirmed to be triggered by the infection. A sample of tissue is taken from the spot to examine it closely through a microscope. The swollen mass is also called a tumor or lesion. This is a less serious form of surgery and requires an anesthetic to numb the area before creating a large incision to take out the abnormal tissue for testing. [3] However, the evaluation results are the same as if it were done via surgery.

This procedure is generally carried out by pathologists, doctors who specialize in diagnosing conditions based on tissue samples and other tests. They examine the infected tissue under a microscope and by assessing the tissue cells’ type, shape, and internal activity, they can diagnose the problem. It may take between a few minutes to seven days to receive the results of a biopsy because it goes back and forth between the pathologist and the doctor before the conclusion is submitted to the patient.