
8 Home Remedies for Pinched Nerve

Change Your Position and Rest

According to experts, some sitting or lying positions may reduce pain. A person with a pinched nerve in their neck or low back, for instance, can try curling up into the foetal position or bending their neck or low back away from the pain.

Your move: Try out various sitting and standing positions until you find one that helps to alleviate some of that discomfort. Then, spend as much time as you can in that position.

Rest is typically the best treatment for pinched nerves, regardless of where they are located. Rest from strenuous exercise will first help the nerve, which is actively irritated, to cool down. Pressing the stop button on lifting, running, texting, or playing tennis may be necessary, depending on where the pinched nerve is located.

You can gradually resume your daily activities as the inflammatory episode resolves to help condition the associated spinal muscles and soft tissues. Pay close attention to how it feels when you do begin moving that area of your body once more. If the pain comes back, stop what you’re doing.