
Parkinson’s Life Expectancy – Stages and Treatment Options


Researchers have not been able to state or find the exact cause of this condition. It is known to result from complex interactions with genetic and environmental factors. Scientists have been able to identify some possible factors that cause this illness, they include:

  • Presence of Lewy bodies: Parkinson’s disease occurs in patients with clumps of proteins called alpha-synuclein in their brains. Accumulations of these proteins may cause loss of nerve cells which develop into changes in thinking, movement, behavior and mood. This further leads to this illness.
  • Low dopamine level: when the level of a particular neurotransmitter called dopamine is reduced or low in the brain. The reduction of dopamine is caused when the cells producing it in the brain die. The neurotransmitter [5] is what sends the notification to the brain to control movements and coordination, so therefore when not produced enough, it may lead to this disease.
  • Genetic factors: it has been noticed that 15% of anyone with Parkinson’s disease has a family history of this condition. It has been identified that changes in some genes or mutations can lead to this disease.
  • Low level of norepinephrine: this is a neurotransmitter that contributes to blood circulation and other automatic body functions. When the nerve endings that produce this neurotransmitter are damaged, it may lead to this illness. The low level of norepinephrine leads to non-motor and motor symptoms like anxiety, tremor, dementia, postural instability and even orthostatic hypotension in patients with this illness