
Treatment Options & Home Remedies for Spinal Nerve Pain

Nerve Blocks and Spinal Cord Stimulation

Nerve block is for a more severe condition. If nerve damage is a little more serious, your spine specialist may recommend a spinal nerve block injection. This injection will dull the nerve so that you won’t feel the irritation and thus not feel the pain. Nerve block injections last longer than oral medications, but again they shouldn’t be viewed as a long-term solution to spinal nerve pain.

Spinal cord stimulation is a more advanced treatment technique in which electrical pulses are used to disrupt pain signals from being interpreted by the brain. Spinal cord stimulation is not available for all types of spinal nerve damage. Most people say that spinal cord stimulation does not eliminate their nerve pain, but it does greatly reduce it. Ask your specialist if you’re a candidate for spinal cord stimulation.